How to Lose Weight: The Easy Way

Lose weight goals

You've probably thought about starting your weight loss journey. Here, on Reviselab, we'll tell you all that you need to know. As a first step, try to cut back on calories. As a guideline, cut between 300 and 500 calories a day, but no more

To step it up even further, add eating right and exercise to the equation. The benefit about this approach makes it easier to maintain your weight loss. Most importantly, it lessens the chance of the yo-yo effect.

Fact of the day: To lose one pound of fat, you have to cut 3,500 calories

How Many Calories Do You Need Per Day?

Creating a caloric deficit is vital for healthy weight loss. The amount of calories you need depends on your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This is the number of calories your body burns at rest during 24 hours.

find out your BMR here

So you know how many calories you need everyday. Now you need to know how to create a caloric deficit for weight loss. Habits of eating can be hard to deal with, so here are some tips to guide you.

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

results of losing fat

1. Eat Regular Meals

Your body needs energy to maintain all body functions. The energy for this comes from the calories in the food you eat.

If you limit you caloric intake too much, your body will feel weak and get the energy it needs elsewhere.  Daily actions will become more difficult. Your body will be using all the calories it can to maintain its basic functions.  

2. Don't Limit Your Calories Too Much

If you limit your calories too much for too long, you will be haunted by constant hunger and a weak feeling.  This is normally when people fall into their old eating habits.  Even if you begin eating within your normal range again, you will still gain weight. Your body will store more calories as fat in case of another calorie drought.

according to Runtastic:

" In addition, researchers have found that a severe reduction in calories can increase the production of cortisol in the blood. This stress hormone is associated with high abdominal fat deposits and weight gain."

3. Give Intuitive Eating a Try

This means that you can eat whatever you want. You will learn about the signs your body sends when you're hungry or stuffed. This way, you'll reach a healthy weight and feel satisfied. Lear more about intuitive eating here. 


  • To lose weight, you need to:
  • Limit your calorie intake to 300 - 500 per day
  • Don't skip meals, You will need energy throughout the day
  • Give intuitive eating a try, listen to you body

A slower weight loss experience is healthier and will help you reach a weight that is easier to maintain.  Eating right, exercise and a caloric deficit are the three keys you need for a lower number on the scale.

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