This is Why High-Intensity Interval Training Is Great

man and woman using battle rope

Exercises that are brief and vigorous are part of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). You put all your focus into a sequence of exercises for brief periods of time, and then you take a break. Although it is hard to exercise with this much intensity, it is beneficial for your health.
The best HIIT workouts usually lasts between 10 and 30 minutes.
Although being short, the activity can have health benefits similar to those of twice as much normal intensity exercise.
Although the workouts vary, it may involve running, riding, jumping rope, or other bodyweight activities.
Here are the benefits of HIIT workouts

1. HIIT can increase calorie burn

You burn roughly the same number of calories during the best HIIT workouts as you would during a regular exercise like running. But compared to a steady cardio activity like jogging, you burn more calories after an HIIT session.
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption is the term for this phenomena of calorie burning after exercise (EPOC). EPOC happens when your body burns extra calories to repair the damage after a strenuous activity. Because HIIT workouts are so rigorous and shows to promote efficient muscle development, it is a regular occurrence.

2. After HIIT activity, your metabolic rate is greater

After your workout is over, HIIT assists you in burning calories.
The outstanding capacity of HIIT to raise your metabolic rate for hours after exercise shows in several research.
Even more than running or weight training, several researchers have shown that HIIT enhances your metabolism after exercise.
The same study discovered that HIIT might change the body's metabolism so that fat instead of carbohydrates is used as fuel.

3. HIIT may help you lose weight

Since HIIT burns more calories because of EPOC, it can be a more convenient way to help you lose weight, since you don't have to spend as much time working out. check out the best HIIT workout for fat loss 

4. HIIT may help you grow muscle.

Besides to aiding in fat reduction, the best HIIT workouts may enable some individuals to gain muscle growth.
However, the muscles used the most—the ones in the trunk and legs—are the ones that grow the most muscular mass.
Also, persons who were already less active are more likely to have gains in muscle mass.
There has been some evidence of lower muscle mass after HIIT regimens in active persons.
HIIT can help a little muscle growth, but weight training remains the best for building muscle.

5. HIIT can assist with blood pressure reduction

Low blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease, can be reduced by HIIT exercises.
In a small 2017 research, males between the ages of 56 and 67 who did HIIT exercises five days a week for six weeks had an average drop in blood pressure of roughly 5.5 mm/HG.
Additionally, a 2017 study discovered that HIIT sessions reduced blood pressure more than steady-state exercise sessions.

6. HIIT may enhance the quality of sleep

Weekly HIIT workouts done consistently may help you have better sleep and sleep for longer periods of time.
According to a 2021 review, HIIT workouts of any kind that last longer than 16 minutes per and last for at least eight weeks can "substantially enhance sleep quality" in people. Furthermore, less time was spent awake in bed when HIIT activities were performed at least three times per week.
Exercise is generally linked to improved sleep. The quantity and quality of sleep have a variety of consequences on overall health and are crucial for processes including memory, mood, and weight reduction.

7. HIIT may aid with memory enhancement

In addition to improving overall health, regular exercise may also benefit brain health. Researchers discovered that persons who exercise had larger thinking and memory-related brain areas. According to recent research, adding high-intensity intervals to your exercises may be even better for your brain's health.

How to begin using HIIT

High intensity interval training may be incorporated into your fitness program in a variety of ways, so getting started is simple.
You only need to select your activity to get started (running, biking, jumping rope, etc.).
Then, you may experiment with various training and recuperation times, or how long you workout intensely and how long you rest.
man doing mountain climbers

Tips For Building Your Own Effective HIIT Workout Program: 

You may build your own effective HIIT workout by using the following advice:
Choose a lower intensity modality that you are comfortable with. For instance, if you haven't jogged in a while, don't go all out.
Start with a lower impact activity, such as cycling or swimming, if you suffer from joint discomfort.
  • Give yourself adequate time to rest. Only if you take breaks that are as long as or longer than your work periods will you be able to sustain the required intensity for HIIT.
  • Limit work intervals to 30 seconds or less. It will be challenging to continue working at the appropriate intensity for longer than 30 seconds to qualify as HIIT.

  • Just a couple cycles twice a week at first. Exercises with a higher impact are particularly taxing during HIIT training. To prevent injuries, proper recuperation between training sessions is essential.

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